3. Wizard Mail


Mail Notification
The Mail System
   Function Keys


WIZARD includes a mail (or message) system. This allows you to send messages to others on the system (or even send reminders to yourself).

Although many people today use mail systems provided with Windows, Wizard Mail is included for backward compatibility and for those users with ASCII terminals.

Mail Notification

When you have been sent mail, a flag appears in the menu's status box, simply saying MAIL. To view that mail, all you need to do is type MAIL from either the menus or from TCL, and you will enter the mail system (described below).

If you have been sent mail since you last logged on, or you have not yet viewed mail sent to you in the past, then when you logon WIZARD will take you directly into the mail system before you get to the menus.

The Mail System

The mail system divides your screen into a number of panes, all of which are illustrated in the diagram below.

These panes are described below.

User Details

The User Details pane displays details about who you are and the current system date and time. It also includes the Title of the current piece of mail (which can also be seen in the Available Mail pane.

Mail Details

The Mail Details contains information about the sender of the mail.

This pane is also used when you send a new piece of mail to enter the details about the recipient(s) of the mail.


The Mailbox contains a sorted list of all pieces of mail you have either received or created and not sent. Unread mail is listed first. Mail you have either read or edited before sending is listed after the unread mail, and the title is enclosed in parentheses (so, for example, {Old mail     }).

Mail Editor/Viewer

The Mail Editor/Viewer pane displays the contents of pieces of mail you have received, and is used to edit or write pieces of mail. Mail editing/writing is done using the Wizard Word Processing routine.

Function Keys

The mail package makes extensive use of function keys, and for convenience, these are displayed across the bottom of the screen. Note that you can access the functions by pressing the first alphabetic character of the function (for example, to edit a new piece of mail, you can type either <F3> or E).

The operation of the function keys is described below:

<F1>: Mail Help
Function key 1 will display some brief help for the mail system. This help will also be displayed if you enter something the mail system does not understand.

<F2>: View Mail
Function key 2, or pressing the letter V, will allow you to view any mail item in your mail box. If there are no mail items then this function will not work.

Having selected to view mail, you can select the item in the mail box by moving the highlight bar with the arrow keys to the appropriate items, and then press <Return>. As you move the highlight bar, the full title of the mail item will be displayed in the Title field of the first box.

When you have selected the item, it will be displayed in a box at the bottom of your screen. This is a standard help display box and you can scroll around using the arrow keys

Once mail has been viewed, if it was a new mail item, it will be moved in the list to the old mail section.

<F3>: Edit Mail
You may edit any piece of old mail. If you want to edit new mail you will need to view it first so that it moves to your old mail list.

When you choose to edit a piece of mail, one of two things can happen:

  1. If you have no old mail items, you will be prompted to enter a title for the piece of mail you wish to create.
  2. If you do have old mail, the highlight bar will let you select one of those items to edit. You can move using the arrow keys, and pressing <Return> will select that item for editing.

If you do select an existing item, the first thing you can edit is the title. Thus, the cursor will appear in the title field, and you can edit using the cursor keys. Press <Return> when the title is as you want it.

If you have old items but want to edit a new one, press Exit when the highlight bar appears. Now you can enter a title for the new piece of mail you are creating.

Having selected and edited the title, the WIZARD Word Processor window will appear at the bottom of the screen. If you are editing an existing piece of mail, you will see that item's text appears. Otherwise it will be empty. You may enter or change whatever you wish to.

When you have finished and filed the item you have worked on, it will appear in the old mail section of the mail list. If you want to, you may now send it to another user.

<F4>: Send Mail
Function key 4, or the letter S, will let you send some mail. You can only send a piece of old mail.

When you indicate that you want to send some mail, the highlight bar will appear in the mail box, and you can move the cursor to the piece of mail you want to send. Once there, press <Return> and the mail system will prompt you for information about who and when you want to send that piece of mail.

Note that only accounts into which WIZARD has been installed are valid as a mail destination, since only those accounts can access the mail.

When you have selected the piece of mail you want to send, the following information can be supplied about the destination of the mail.

1 Send to user:
Here you may enter the user name of the person you want to send the mail to. If you have left this field blank, the mail will go to any user - subject to the other constraints (see below).

2 Send to port:
Here you may enter a port number for the mail to be sent to. If you do not know the user's name but they always use the same port, then enter their port number. If you leave this field blank, the mail will go to any port.

3 Send to Account:
Here you may enter an account name for the mail to be sent to. This is useful if you want to send it to someone who generally uses the one account. If you leave it blank, the mail will go to any account.

These previous fields determine the destination for the piece of mail, while the remaining two fields determine when the person or people will receive their mail. These fields are:

4 Send on date:
Here you may enter a date. If you enter a date it means that the mail will not appear in the destination mail box until that date. If this and the next field are left blank, the mail will appear immediately in the destination mail box.

5 Send at time:
Here you may enter a time at which the mail will appear in the destination mail box. If no date has been specified, then today's date will be assumed. Once you have pressed <Return> to this field, the mail is sent.

You may move back to previous fields by using the Up Arrow key if you want to change them. To delete a setting you should enter a space. To move back down the settings, you can use the Down Arrow key.

Note that mail which has been sent will disappear from the old mail list. If you want to keep a copy, you should use the Copy function (see below).

<F5>: Copy Mail
This function allows you to copy a piece of old mail. If there is no old mail, the function will not do anything.

When you select this option, the highlight bar will appear and you can move it to any piece of old mail. When you press <Return>, that piece of mail will be automatically duplicated. Thus, the title of the mail will appear twice in the list. You may edit the title of either using the edit command (see above).

<F6>: Print Mail
This function will dump an item of mail from the old mail list to the currently assigned printer via the system spooler. The item will remain in the old mail list.

When you select this function, the highlight bar appears and you can move it to select the piece of (old) mail you want to print out. Pressing <Return> will send it to the printer, and pressing Exit will not do so.

<F7>: Delete Mail
This function allows you to delete a piece of old mail. If there is any old mail, you can move the highlight bar to the piece of mail you want to delete, and when you press <Return> on a piece of mail, that item will be deleted. Exit will not delete any item.

If you have sent a piece of mail to all users, only you can delete it, even though it remains in the new mail section of the mail box.

<F10>: Exit the Mail System
Function key 10 (or the <Esc> key) will exit the mail system and return you to either the menus or TCL.