1. Getting Started with Wizard


About this Chapter
Using Wizard Screens
The Wizard On-Line Manual
Using the Menus
Using Data Entry Screens
Using Wizard TCL
Using the Wizard Word Processor
WWP: Word Processing from TCL
Using the Wizard Editor
WED: Wizard Editor from TCL

About this Chapter

In this chapter you will learn how to use Wizard.

If you have never used Wizard, read this entire chapter.

If you have used an older version of Wizard (without pull-down menus) you should also read this chapter to learn how to move around and get things done most efficiently.

If you are an experienced Wizard user, you may want to skim this chapter to learn about new features and capabilities.

Using Wizard Screens

There are a few commands and functions within Wizard which all work the same no matter where you are or what you are doing. Once you have mastered these, you should be able to do almost anything you want with Wizard!

General Commands

These commands work uniformly throughout the system.

Help Throughout the system, whenever you should need help, you can get help by pressing either function key 1 ([F1]) or ? with [Return]. This will bring up either a menu or a box with text displayed in it.

Using a help menu:

If you get a menu, you may select an option by moving to the appropriate selection using the arrow keys then press [Return].

If the options are numbered, you can also press the appropriate number, otherwise you may be able to type the first letter of the option and then [Return].

If not all the options of the menu are displayed on the screen, the section of the menu you are looking at will be indicated by the scroll bar down the right hand side of the menu.

In many places, one of the options presented to you will be the On-Line Manual By selecting that option, you can access the entire Wizard manual! For more information on the On-Line Manual see later in this chapter.

Using the Help Text Display Box:

Even if the help began with a menu, you will ultimately end up with text displayed in a help window. Once the window is displayed, you will need to be able to move around in it. This is how to do it.

To move down a page, you may press the [Return] or ENTER key, the down arrow key, the Next Page key, or function key 12 ([F12]).

To move up a page, you may press the Up Arrow key, the Previous Page key, or function key 11 ([F11])

To exit from the help display, press the Exit key (see below on exiting).


Some help items have certain words or phrases indexed within them. These are displayed in half-intensity when you enter that help item (such as Indexing at the head of this paragraph).

You can jump to the next piece of indexed text by pressing your TAB key. The text is then displayed in reverse.

You can press I to bring up a list of all indexed text within the current help item and then select one of those phrases with the arrow keys, and press [Return]. You will then be taken to the next occurrence of that phrase. Pressing TAB after that will jump to the next occurrence of that phrase.

To clear an index search string (so that TAB will simply jump to the next indexed string), press I to bring up the index list, and then press [Esc] (or [F10]).

The other thing you can do is Edit the help item. To do this you may press either function key 5 ([F5]) or the U key. You can, however, only do this if you have a security level of 8 or higher. For more information on using the Wizard Word Processing facility, please refer to the section later in this chapter.

Exit No matter what process you are in within the Wizard environment, the procedure for "getting out" of that process is the same. You press either the [Esc] key (usually labelled "Esc") or you press function key 10 ([F10]). (Note also that pressing the [ key whilst holding down the [Ctrl] key is equivalent to pressing the [Esc] key )

If you are in a menu, [Esc] takes you back to the previous menu (unless, of course, you are at the top menu, when [Esc] will do nothing).

If you are in a Wizard screen [Esc] will take you out of the field you are in. If you are in the first field, [Esc] exits the screen. If you are in any other field, [Esc] takes you out of data entry mode and positions you at the prompt line at the bottom of the screen. If you press [Esc] from the prompt line at the bottom of the screen, [Esc] takes you to the first field and DOES NOT file the item.

Enter The [Enter] or [Return] key on your keyboard selects an option or enters data where appropriate.

In a menu, pressing Enter will select the highlighted option. If it is a process of some description (a screen, a report, or some other program) then that process will be executed. If it is a menu, then that menu will be displayed.

Editing Data

Wherever you enter text in the Wizard environment, you may move around and edit that text using certain keys on your keyboard. These keys may be set up from the Keyboards option in the Devices menu of the Wizard account. The key related to each function will depend to some extent on the type of keyboard you have and how the Keyboard has been set up in the above file. Refer to instructions for keyboard setup for more information.

Within a line, you may use the following keys:

Key Function
Left Arrow move the cursor a space to the left.
Right Arrow move the cursor a space to the right.
Word Left move the cursor one word left.
Word Right move the cursor one word right.
Start of Line move the cursor to the start of the line.
End of Line move the cursor to the end of the line.
BackSpace delete the character to the left of the cursor.
Delete delete the character at the cursor position.

The Wizard On-Line Manual

The Wizard On-Line Manual allows you access to the entire Wizard Manual from anywhere within Wizard--just press [F1] and one of the options will be On-Line Manual This help explains how to use it.

Upon entry an overview of the contents will be displayed. You may use the Up or Down arrow keys to move around, or you may use Page Up (or [F11]) or Page Down (or [F12]) to move up or down a screen at a time.

Pressing [Return] on an entry will select that entry for help. This will either display a help item (like this one) or will display the next level down in the contents.

Pressing [Esc] gives you access to a series of options in a menu bar across the bottom of the screen. Select an option by pressing the Left or Right arrow keys and [Return], or simply by pressing the capitalised letter in the option name.

The options available are:

Top level

This displays only the top level of the contents table.

All levels

This displays all topics in the contents table in a hierarchical structure.


This brings up another selection list enabling you to search for particular topics. The options available under Search are:


Search the titles currently displayed in the contents for a particular string.

All titles

Search all titles for a particular string.


Search the text of items whose titles are currently displayed for a particular string.

aLl items

Search the text of all the items in the manual for a particular string.


This is not currently enabled.


Exit the search mode and return to normal mode.

All searches will return a contents list of matches. If only one match was found, it is displayed immediately.


This option allows you to spool the currently selected contents item to the system spooler.


This option exits the On-Line manual

Using the Menus

In general, Wizard's menus follow the same operating principles as outlined above.

The following commands function specifically in the Menus. Some of them are contingent upon the user's security setup, but these are noted herein.

Up Arrow

The up arrow key will move the highlight bar up one line. If the bar is at the top of the menu, then the bar will be moved to the bottom line of the menu.

Down Arrow

The down arrow key moves the highlight bar down one line of the menu. If the bar is on the bottom line of the menu, then it will be moved to the top of the menu.

NumberThe options available to you on the menu are each numbered. By typing the number of an option and pressing [Return], you will execute that option. This is exactly the same as moving the highlight bar to the appropriate option and then pressing [Return].

OFFTyping OFF will, as the command suggests, log you off from the system.

STARTThis command re-enters the current account's menus by returning to the Operator prompt. This can be useful if you wish to log into the same account under a different operator name, and so access different menus or be given different security privileges.

TOPThis command will clear the Screen and return you to the TOP Menu.

SCREENThis command will switch from a Pop-Up menu to a Full Screen menu and also to a Motif style menu.

[F1] or {?[Return]}Display the Menu Help Menu.

WGo directly to the Wizard 4GL Menu. Only if the Wizard 4GL Menu is in your menu path.

/RShould the menu display become corrupted for whatever reason, typing /R will redisplay the screen.

MAILEnter the mail and message system. This command is subject to security verification.

LISTDisplay a list of all menus which you can access from the top menu. By then selecting one of those menus you will be taken directly to that menu without having to traverse the intervening menus. (This command will only work if the option Build Menu Access List has been executed from the Account Setup menu.)

TRAPAfter typing TRAP, the system will pause after executing any procedure before re-drawing the menu display. This is useful for debugging software which may display an error message which is cleared by the re-drawing of the menus. TRAP will wait until a key is pressed before clearing the screen.

TRACEThe TRACE function will display in the top left corner of the menu's status box the process to be executed by the currently highlight selection on the current menu.

EDThis process will select an appropriate editor process for the current option and then execute it. For example, if the current menu option is a Wizard screen ED will enter the screen formatter with that particular screen. ED may be optionally followed by a number representing the option number on the menu you wish to edit. If it is followed by 0 (i.e. you type ED0), the current menu will be edited.

PEDThis selects the Process Editor (or PrEditor) for the current selected option. Refer to the section in this manual on the PrEditor. This command may optionally be followed by a number representing the option number you wish to PrEdit.

TCLExits the menus and enters the Wizard TCL (Terminal Control Language) processor which may be exited (as you should expect) by pressing [Esc]. See below for information on using this.

//Typing the // command at a menu allows you to jump directly into a specified process. If more than one process has been specified, you will be presented with a list of options to select from.

/AJIf you have sufficient security clearance, typing this command will add the current selection to the currently active Jump List. For more information on Jump Lists, see chapter 12.

/JUMPIf you have sufficient security clearance this command will go directly to the Jump List maintenance Screen.

Using Data Entry Screens

These commands function specifically within the data entry screens (in addition to the general commands outlined above). Some are contingent upon the user's security setup, while some work only from certain places within the screen. Such idiosyncrasies are noted where applicable.

Field Commands

The first group of commands available to you are available from any field within the screen, but not from the Acceptance Prompt (see below). Some of these commands may not be available, depending upon the setup of the particular screen you are using.

These commands are available from a Wizard screen when the cursor is positioned at a field (rather than the acceptance prompt. Some of these commands may not be available, depending on your security and the type of screen are in.


Pressing the [Return] key enters any data you have typed and moves the cursor to the next input field. If you are on the last input field of the screen, the cursor will be positioned on the Acceptance Prompt (see below). If you press [Return] on all fields of a Line Item Set up to and including the exit field, the cursor will move to the next field past the Line Item Set


To exit, press either [Esc] or [F10]. If entered at the first field this will exit the Screen, otherwise, it will position the cursor at the Acceptance Prompt.

/ or Up

This will move the cursor to the previous data entry field. If you are on the first field this command will be ignored.


In a Line Item Set (or LIS), the Up-arrow key will move the cursor to the previous line (unless you are at the first line).


In s Line-Item-Set the Down-arrow key will move the cursor down to the next line.


Entering a number following the / will move the cursor to that field. Only numbered fields can be accessed in this way, and then they have to be data entry fields (rather than display only fields).


Only available in a line-item set. Deletes the current line of a line-item set.


Only available in a line-item set. Enters a blank line into a line-item set. This command will not function in a Line Item Set which is already full (i.e. where the Line Item Set has a maximum depth and there are already that number of entries).


Selects the Wizard Text Editor for the current field. This is only a simple editor (like ED from TCL) and only functions if the feature has been enabled for the current screen. It allows you to enter large amounts of data in the field (subject to range checking, etc.).


This command will re-paint the screen with the current data intact, all calculation fields will be re-calculated. The cursor will remain in the current field.


This command will work the same as the /R command for all fields except in LIS, this will re-calculate all the data in a LIS not just the data on the screen.


Entering a space will delete the data in the current field.


If entered at an item-id field, this key selects the Next Sequential Number. The Next Sequential Number for a particular field can be set to a particular value by entering the file Id in the Wizard Files maintenance Screen or by entry of /#.


If entered at an item-id field (usually the first field), this key selects the next item-id from the current SELECT (or SSELECT) list.


This command executes a SELECT of the main file name, the IDs selected can then be accessed via the $ command.


This is the same as the previous command, except that this executes a sort SELECT (SSELECT) of the main file Both the /S and /SS can optionally have additional selection criteria added, eg. /SS WITH BALANCE > "0"

. (dot)

If entered at a single value field, this selects the value from the previous item, current field. If entered at a multi-value field, it selects the value from the current item, current field, previous value.

... (three dots)

Duplicates the entire previous item.

WARNING!! This will duplicate the entire previous item, including fields that are not on the current Screen.


Turns the Interactive Help on or off. When on, the help at the bottom of the screen where the Acceptance Prompt appears is displayed for each field as you move into it.


Move to the next page of this Line Item Set. You may follow it by a page number e.g. /PG4 which would take you to the fourth page of the Line Item Set.


Go to TCL from within the current screen. Pressing the Escape key at TCL will return you to the current screen.


Edit the current Jump table, allowing you to jump from this screen into other screens. For more information see the section on Jumping from one Wizard screen to others.


This command will list the valid jump time commands and allow you to select one. You can jump to another screen directly by typing the command after //.

Acceptance Prompt Commands

The Acceptance Prompt is the prompt line displayed by Wizard screens at the bottom of your screen. After entering data, you will generally find yourself sitting at this point. You can also get here by pressing [Esc] at any field in the screen. The following commands are available at the Acceptance Prompt.

These commands are available from a Wizard screen when the cursor is positioned at the Acceptance Prompt:


Files current item then positions cursor to field 1.


Deletes the current item and then positions the cursor to the first field.


Positions the cursor to the first field without filing the current item. Exit from the first field exits the screen.


Entering a number positions the cursor to the field number that you specify so that you can update (change) the field. The cursor is then positioned back to the Acceptance Prompt.


Redisplays and recalculates the screen labels and data.


Recalculates all the screen data (including Line Item Set data in related files, that are not currently on the screen).


Entering a U followed by a field number positions the cursor to the field that you specify. Then you can update fields by using the [Return] and / commands to position the cursor to the desired field. You position the cursor back to the Acceptance Prompt by entering [Esc] or by "falling into" the Acceptance Prompt from the last field.

[F1] or ?[Return]

Allows you to select from all the fields to display or edit that field's help.

Using Wizard TCL

These commands are available whenever you are at TCL. Note that Help can be obtained even at TCL in the usual way.

Your normal TCL commands are subject to security verification. You are also provided with a facility which allows you to edit and re-execute old commands.

The following functions are available to you:


Typing GO at the TCL prompt takes you back into the Menu from which you came into TCL. This is equivalent to using an Exit key (see above).


Typing OFF from the TCL prompt will, as it would from the Menu, terminate your current computer session and return the terminal to the logon prompt.

[F1] or ?[Return]

Get HELP! (See above.)


The Page Up or Previous Page key will list the last 20 TCL commands A function key may be loaded with this command (refer to the section on Defining Function Keys). If it does, it will be shown in the Function Key help as PAGE_UP.


Each time you press the Up Arrow you move up the command stack one line. You may then edit the line, or execute the command displayed by pressing [Return].


Pressing the Down Arrow moves you down the command stack one line. If you are at the bottom of the command stack then pressing the Down Arrow will clear the current line to null.


(where n is a number from 1 to 20) executes command n from your stack. For example, pressing /4 will execute the fourth command up in the stack (labelled number 4 when you press Page Up - see above).


This command allows you to assign some of function keys from TCL. You may only assign the shifted function keys - i.e. to get the command you assign, you need to press SHIFT together with the function key.

The number n is the number of the shifted function key you are loading the command into. For example, the command:


will load SORT MD into the shifted Function Key number 4.

Also, you can load a function key with a command from the command stack. If you want to load shifted Function Key 4 with command number 11 in your stack, you would type:


To run the command then, simply press SHIFT and Function Key 4 together.


Bring up the currently active Jump List. From this you can jump directly into any routine as you can from within Wizard screens or from the menus. Refer to the information on Jump Lists for more details.


This command is identical to the START command from the Menu (see above).


(Specific User Permitted). This command is identical to the Menu command MAIL. Typing this allows you to read your mail or send mail to someone else.


Typing TCL from Wizard's TCL prompt will exit to the database environment's "true" TCL.

Using the Wizard Word Processor

Whenever more extensive text must be entered into Wizard, the Wizard Word Processor will be used. This is used for editing help and other documentation from the menus and from Wizard screens as well as for editing mail messages.

The Wizard Word Processor is a simple word processor which allows you to simply and conveniently enter and edit documentation. It is displayed as a window on your screen, into which text entry occurs. At the bottom is the file name and the item name of the document currently being edited.

Most editing keys work in the word processor The keys you can use (and note that the following keys may depend on how your keyboard has been set up are listed here:

Normal text entry

Normal text is entered simply by typing what you want to enter. The Wizard Word Processor is always in "edit" mode and depends on special keys to perform other functions. Text will be entered at the cursor position, and is automatically wrapped at the end of each line of inserted text.

[Return] key

Each time you press the [Return] key, you begin a new line. You need only do this to begin a new paragraph since lines within a paragraph are automatically wrapped for you.


The backspace key will delete the character prior to the cursor position from within the text. It will even backspace over carriage return characters.


The delete character does the same as the back space, except that it deletes the character over which the cursor is positioned.

Delete Line

The delete line character will delete the entire current line.


The tab key will indent the line or the paragraph a certain amount. There are two types of tab. One is the normal tab which simply inserts the current line, the other is the paragraph tab which inserts the entire paragraph a fixed amount.

In the standard setup, every second tab is a paragraph tab At present this can only be changed by altering the item (refer to the appendix listing on the help item file structure).

The remainder of the keys move the cursor around the text (and the text around within the display window). These require little explanation and so are only listed:

Up arrow, down arrow, left arrow, right arrow (these all move the cursor one space in the direction specified).
Word Left and Right
Page Up and Down
Top and Bottom
Start and End of Line

The following function keys have special meaning in the Wizard Word Processor:

 Unmodified Key
F2 Bottom
F5Start of lineDelete line
F6Word left 
F7Word right 
F8End of line 
F11Page up 
F12Page down 

Saving, Exiting and Deleting

When you press the Exit key from the Wizard Word Processor you are presented with four options, these being:


Files the current item and exits the Word Processor.


Deletes the item from the file and exits the Word Processor.


Files the current item and returns to the current position for editing. It is advisable to use this option occasionally to ensure that, should something go wrong, all of your editing is not lost.


Exit the Word Processor without saving any changes you might have made. "

WWP: Word Processing from TCL

To assist you in Word Processing documents, Wizard includes the WWP command to allow you to access the Word Processor from TCL. The command is invoked in much the same way as you would invoke any standard PICK editor or command.

Once you are inside the Word Processor it functions as described above.

The command syntax is as follows:

WWP {-options} FileName {* | Item1 Item2 ...}

The options are as follows:


Reformat the item prior to editing it. This ensures that the line breaks are optimised for the item's current width setting. It is especially useful if the item has been edited with the system editor or with Wizard's screen editor (WED). It should also be used with the -Wnn option.


Change the width of the item(s) to the value nn. It is advisable to use this option with the -R option above, otherwise the item may not display correctly.


Will print the item(s) rather than editing it. It is printed out to the current spooler setting.


Batch process the above options. This will, for example, allow you to change the width of all help items in a file, just type:

WWP -BRW50 HelpFile *

Batch makes the changes without bringing up the Word Processor. The -B option must be used with either R, W, or both options, but cannot be used with the P option.

These options may be entered individually (e.g. WWP -R -W50) or together (e.g. WWP -RW50...). The items you are editing must be in Wizard Word Processor format.

Using the Wizard Editor

Whenever Basic Code is entered into Wizard Screens the Wizard Editor is used. This is a very powerful Editor which allows you to simply and conveniently enter and edit Basic Code. It is displayed in a window on your screen, into which text entry occurs. At the top of the window is the file name and item name which is being edited. On-line help is available by simply pressing the [F1] key.

Normal text entry is entered simply by typing what you want to enter. The Wizard Editor is always in insert mode, (text to the right of the cursor moves to the right as you enter more text), and depends on special keys to perform other functions. These special keys are the function keys both normal and shifted. When at the Command line you may perform these special functions by entry of the appropriate command.

The following is a list of special functions:

 Unmodified Key
F2Start/End BlockBottom
F3Wizard BASIC Help 
F4Find Next 
F5Start of lineDelete line
F6Word left 
F7Word right 
F8End of line 
F9 Cut block
F10ExitCopy block
F11Page upPaste block
F12Page downShow ASCII code

Other active keys are:

BackSpaceDelete char to left.
DeleteDelete char under cursor.
ReturnInsert new line.
TabInsert tab.
UpMove cursor up one line
DownMove cursor down one line
LeftMove cursor left one character
RightMove cursor right one character
Page DownScroll a page down
Page UpScroll a page up

Most of the above are self explanatory, however F3, the Wizard Basic Help function, is a very powerful function which allows you to Lookup and merge both Basic and Wizard Code into the current item at the current cursor position.

When you hit F3 a window will open to allow you to lookup and enter a Basic Command or a Wizard Command or obtain help for a Code Segment in a Wizard Screen These help items are stored in the WIZ.CODES file and you may maintain your own codes to allow you to standardise basic code. There are many items in this file for Basic Commands, Access, TCL, Wizard Commands, Wizard Subroutines, etc...

You would use it to help you with checking the syntax of Basic Commands, eg. how do I use the (basic code) INDEX() command, or how do I use the (Wizard) ERRMSG variable, or how do I use the (Wizard) WCONFIRM subroutine.

The Window looks like this :

The fields on this screen are:

Code Id

At this field you may enter the Code Id. or = for a Lookup of all Codes. The Lookup will display all the top level or category codes like Basic Code TCL, WIZARD Variables WIZARD Subroutines, etc...
When you make a selection another lookup window will open to display all the codes for that category.

Short Desc

This field will display a short description of the code.

View Code

If this field displays a "N" then there is No Code to View. If it is blank then you may enter "Y" to View the Code that will be merged into your code.

View Discussion

If this field displays a "N" then there is no Discussion, if it is blank then you may enter "Y" to view the Discussion on the given Code item.

Include Code

If there is Code to merge into the item you are currently editing and you enter Y at this field then WIZARD will take the code in this item and merge it into your code starting from the current cursor position. WIZARD will maintain the current Tab stops when it merges this code. (ie. If you are 10 spaces in then all the code merged in will be 10 spaces in.)
If the item has a Window attached then WIZARD will prompt you for data entry. See the WCONFIRM code item for an example.
If there is Code, (see View Code), then entry of "Y" will tell Wizard that you wish to merge the code in this item into the code you are editing.

When you hit the Exit key ([Esc] or [F10]) the cursor will move to the Command line at the bottom of the Editor window. At this time you may enter a Command.

Valid command mode commands are:

EXExit current item without saving.
EXKExit current list of items without saving.
FIFile current item and exit.
FIKFile current item and exit select list.
FDDelete current item and exit.
FDKDelete currect item and exit select list.
FS(File Item{)n-m}Save lines n to m in file File as item Item. If a range of lines is not specified, the entire item is saved.
GnMove cursor to line n.
LLocate the next occurrence of a string. The syntax is:

Where / can be any character to be used as a delimiter, and string is to be found.
RReplace. The command syntax is:

The options for this command are:
Ureplace multiple occurances on a line.
Vprompt the user to verify, skip, or quit replace.
nreplace occurances of string1 with string2 in the next n lines (counting the current line.
DE{n}Delete current line, or next n lines (including the current line in the count).
MEMerge lines from another item at the current location. The syntax for this command is:
ME{n}(File Item{)m}

Where n is the number of lines to merge, and m is the line number to begin merging the item from.
SASelect the entire document.
BMark the start or end of a block (see <FKey 2>).
XCut block (see <shift>+<FKey 9>).
CCopy block (see <shift>+<FKey 10>).
PPaste block (see <shift>+<FKey 11>).
FORMATFormat the current item as BASIC code.
TABnSet the tab increment to n spaces.
/cmdExecute the TCL command cmd.
EDEdits the current line in Value or Sub-value mode.
S?Display the size (in bytes) of the current item.
PR{n-m}Print the current item, or lines n to m of the item.
ExitReturn to direct edit mode.

WED: Wizard Editor from TCL

To assist you in maintaining Basic Code in your own files, you may use the Wizard Editor by simply typing WED instead of your normal editor. All of the functions and commands in the Wizard Editor are available when editing your own code as they are when editing Wizard Screen Code Segments.

If you use the normal system editor then you would type:


Wizard Editor:


This gives you a powerful and consistent Editor.