12. Alternate Access & Jump Time


About this Chapter
Wizard Alternate Access
   About Alternate Access 
   Alternate Access Maintenance 
   Alternate Access Types 
      Dir Alternate Access 
      B-Tree Alternate Access 
      Sndx Alternate Access 
      CXref Alternate Access 
      PXref Alternate Access 
      TXref Alternate Access 
      UXref Alternate Access 
      Table Alternate Access 
   Alternate Access Summary 
   Look-Up Window Maintenance 
   Look-Up Table Maintenance 
   Look-Up Window (Normal) 
   Look-Up Window (Multi-Select) 
Setting up a Jump List

About this Chapter

In this chapter we will discuss the Wizard Alternate Access or Lookups which is a very quick and powerful system of finding the key or Id to an Item in a file. We will also discuss Jump Time which allows you to Jump from a Wizard Screen or Menu directly into any process, and when you complete that process Wizard will return you to the Screen or Menu that you came from.

Wizard Alternate Access

About Alternate Access

Sometimes a screen needs to have a code such as Customer Number entered, and these codes are often obscure or quite difficult to remember. The solution is to let the user Look Up the customer number by listing the customer numbers and their names. Wizard Alternate Access allow you to set Wizard to do this.

Some screens need to have codes such as State, Region or Department and these codes can also be obscure or quite difficult to remember. The solution is to let the user Look Up or list all of these codes and select one from the list provided.

The main idea here is to allow the data entry operator to Look-Up an item by using a field other than the item-id In data processing, this is also known as Indexing or Cross Referencing and the Wizard process is known as Alternate Access.

When a Wizard Screen requires an Item Id, say a Customer code number from the CUSTOMER file, the operator needs to know the correct code to be able to access the details from the CUSTOMER file. If the CUSTOMER file has 2000+ Customers and the operator is not given the Customer's account number then there is a need to be able to Access the CUSTOMER file using an Alternative method.

For example obtain the account number via the Customer's name.

In this example we would allow the operator to Look-Up the Customer code/s for all Customers with Name=BLACK, and display these Codes along with other helpful detail.

In the same Wizard Screen the operator may be required to enter a Terms Code.

For example COD, 7 Days, 30 Days...

This must be a Valid Terms code. In this case you would allow the operator to Look-Up a complete list of the Valid Terms.

As there are many different ways to access the data in a given file, Wizard provides 8 different methods of Alternate Access:

These detail What, When, Why, Options and User Interface.

Any or all of the above can be used on a given file and are automatically maintained by Wizard whenever the file is used within a Wizard Screen. If a file has Alternate Access then this is automatically available on all Wizard Screens that use this file, you do not need to re-generate all the Screens.

The operator simply enters = to activate the Alternate Access on any field in a Wizard Screen. Wizard knows which field has what Alternate Access and Wizard will either prompt for additional information or present the operator with a Look-Up Window.

If after entry of =, (and subsequent details if required), there is only one Look-Up item found then Wizard will NOT display a Window and it ASSUMES that this is the ONE the operator was looking for and will return it to the field as if the operator selected it.

Alternate Access Maintenance

Use the Wizard Alternative Access Maintenance Screen on the Wizard File Menu to create and update Alternate Access for a given file.

The following points should be considered when determining the type of Alternate Access for a given file:

All Alternate Access types are defined in this Screen. Also use this Screen to re-build individual types or all types for a given file. It is strongly recommended that you define the Alternate Access when the file is first setup, this is a recommendation only and not a restriction.

You may not define an Alternate Access for a file unless it is known to Wizard via the WFileMaint Screen in the File Maint Menu, and you have defined the Dictionaries to be used, in defining which attribute is to be cross referenced.

This process consists of three Wizard Screens The first and main Screen, W.WAltAcc, requires you to enter the File Id and this must be on the WIZ.FILES file, you may enter = to obtain a Look-Up of valid files. The top half of the Screen is where you determine the Type/s of Alternate Access and the bottom half is used to define the Look-Up window for the given file.

The second Screen W.WAltAccSub, is where you define the details of each individual Type.

The third Screen, W.WAltAccWVD, allows you to view and nominate which Wizard Screen will have access to which type. The default is All types on All Screens.

Alternate Access Types

Dir Alternate Access

Directory types provide a complete listing of items in a given file. Similar to the DOS dir.

For files with a small number of items that may or may not be static. Say 5 to 50. This is not a restriction. Just consider how awkward it would be to scroll through 2000+ Customer Codes.

As there are few items on the file the operator can see most if not all the items on the first page. If there are multiple pages then they can use the Locate a String from within the Look-Up Window to reduce the number of items displayed.

No options are available or needed.

User Interface:
The operator enters = and the Look-Up window will open. There are no additional prompts.

B-Tree Alternate Access

What is a Btree.
Balanced Tree, this type provides a sorted list of items in a Tree like structure. This type of index is a very efficient way of storing large amounts of pre-sorted data.

When to use it.
This is for large files such as a Customer or Membership files where the Item-Ids are not known but some other criteria such as the name is known and when the operator needs to use some of the options noted below. Also when the listing provided in the Look-Up window needs to be sorted. The number of items in the file could be 50-5000+

Why to use it.
As there are large numbers of items involved it would be too awkward for the operator to scroll through thousands of Members names to find the one they are looking for. Also it provides very fast access on very large files.

Nominate your own file name (default provided), sort list by AR, AL, DR, DL; multiple fields may be cross referenced; break characters can be specified; minimum length of word and words can be excluded.

For example on a Members file cross reference SURNAME, GIVEN NAMES and ADDRESS; break each field if there is a SPACE (ie. Words); exclude STREET, ROAD, PLACE, etc.

User Interface:
The operator enters = and they will be prompted for a word to search for. They could enter part or a whole word, the more characters they type the smaller the list will be.

There is no need to enter the whole name.

For example PETER would return all of the PETERs, PETERKINS, PETERSON PETER..... that are on file.

If each word has been indexed then for a very large Membership file the operator could enter the full name and this would give a separate and combined search on both Surname and Given names.

For example

=SMITHyou would get many hundreds
=PETERagain many hundreds
=ROBERTonce again many hundreds

What if the name is BOB or ROBERT?


would find all of the :-

PETER ROBERT SMITHs if any and all of the


If the input field in the Wizard Screen is long enough then the operator may enter the string to be searched from that field.

That is, instead of entering = <Return> and then string <Return> they could enter =string <Return>

Sndx Alternate Access

What is soundex:
Soundex or Phonetic cross reference will give values to the consonants of the words for the given field being cross referenced. Words with a similar arrangement of consonants have similar soundex codes, regardless of the actual spelling. Also, similar sounding consonants may have the same soundex code.

When should it be used:
It can be used in cases where the spelling of words is not known, and when words have different spelling but they sound the same.

For example if you were wishing to setup a lookup on Wizard terms. You may be trying to lookup the word PHONETIC you may look it up by entering FONETIC, PHONETIC or PONETIC.

Why :
It is useful where the exact spelling of an item which is being looked up is not known or different people tend to spell the same word in slightly different ways.

Nominate your own file name (default provided), sort list by AR, AL, DR, DL; multiple fields may be cross referenced; break characters can be specified; minimum length of word and words can be excluded.

User Interface:
The operator enters = and they will be prompted for a word to search for. They must enter a whole word.

If the input field in the Wizard Screen is long enough then the operator may enter the string to be searched from that field.

That is instead of entering = <Return> and then string <Return> they could enter =string <Return>

CXref Alternate Access

What is CXref:
Character based cross reference, takes the first nn (default 3) characters of a field and uses these as a Traditional type cross reference.

When should it be used:
Used only for compatibility with previous release. May not be supported in future releases.

Why :
No longer needed, the result was similar to the BTree type.

Nominate your own file name (default provided); multiple fields may be cross referenced and nominate number of characters of the first word.

User Interface:
The operator enters = and they will be prompted for a word to search for. The operator could enter part or a whole word. The word must be at least nn (default 3) characters long and the more characters typed the smaller the list will be.

There is no need to enter the whole name.

For example PETER would return all of the PETERs, PETERKINS, PETERSON PETER..... that are on file. But only if PETER is the FIRST word of the field.

If the input field in the Wizard Screen is long enough then the operator may enter the string to be searched from that field.

That is instead of entering = <Return> and then string <Return> they could enter =string <Return>

PXref Alternate Access

What is PXref:
Parsing cross reference simply takes the field/s to be cross referenced and breaks them into individual words and then does a Traditional cross reference on each of the words.

When should it be used:
On medium to large files such as Employees, Customers and Vendors etc. say between 50-1500. Not recommended on very large files where there could be hundreds/thousands of the same word, (such as GIVEN NAMES) on a large membership file.

Why :
As there are large numbers of items involved it would be too awkward for the operator to scroll through hundreds of items to find the one they are looking for.

Nominate your own file name (default provided), sort list by AR, AL, DR, DL; multiple fields may be cross referenced; break characters can be specified; minimum length of word and words can be excluded.

User Interface:
The operator enters = and they will be prompted for a word to search for. The operator must enter the whole word. They can use wild card characters of [ and/or ] or *. Where [ means any characters before, ] means any characters after and * means list all items in the file. The use of wild cards will enable the operator to do the same searches as discussed in B-Tree types.

That is enter =PETER would return only the PETERs but Enter =PETER] would return every item that has a word that starts with PETER eg. PETERKINS, ..etc.

The operator can also enter multiple words as in the examples given in the BTree type.


If the input field in the Wizard Screen is long enough then the operator may enter the string to be searched from that field.

That is instead of entering = <Return> and then string <Return> they could enter =string <Return>

TXref Alternate Access

What is TXref:
Traditional cross reference or Inverted file or Indexing. This type will take all the data each in a field or each of the fields and make each field the Item Id in the Xref file storing the major files Item Id in a multi-valued attribute.

When should it be used:
Use this type when a word or code is known to give a listing of the major file eg. Employees on a given Award or Products for a given Product Group or Cheques for a given Vendor, etc.

As noted in the When above you will need to keep track of many different files and their inter-relationships, Wizard can assist in this process without you needing to write any code. Provided you do not use the attributes that Wizard uses in an Xref file then you can use the Xref file like a Control file.

For example. The Product Groups file may contain data like Description, Product Manager, Buyer Name,...etc it could also be a TXref file for the Products file. Then whenever a Product Group is added or changed on any given Product Wizard will maintain the link. Wizard allows a Xref file to be cross reference as well. See in the appendix Using Wizard Alternate Access file.

Nominate your own file name (default provided), sort list by AR, AL, DR, DL; multiple fields may be cross referenced; minimum length of word and words can be excluded.

User Interface:
The operator enters = and they will be prompted for a word to search for. The operator must enter a whole word. The operator may also use the wild card characters, [{word} and/or {word}] or *.

Entry of multiple words such as =word1 word2 would not return any items to list, however =word1+word2 would return all of word1 plus all of word2.

If the input field in the Wizard Screen is long enough then the operator may enter the string to be searched from that field.

That is instead of entering = <Return> and then string <Return> they could enter =string <Return>

UXref Alternate Access

What is UXref:
User defined cross reference. This works in the same way as a TXref or Traditional one, with the exception that you must nominate the Xref file name and attribute that will hold the Item Ids of the major file being cross referenced.

When should it be used:
You may need the Item Ids in LIST form ie., one per attribute or the multi-valued list in a specific attribute. See the examples given in TXref type for other uses.

Why :
You may have existing files keeping track of data in another file (ie. Item Ids), and you would like Wizard to maintain the links/lists.

Must nominate the file name; and attribute into which the Item Id of the major file will go; multiple fields; Item Ids can be sorted by AR, AL, DR, DL.

User Interface:
Same as for Traditional, ie., the operator must enter the whole word or can use the wild cards.

If the input field in the Wizard Screen is long enough then the operator may enter the string to be searched from that field.

That is instead of entering = <Return> and then string <Return> they could enter =string <Return>

Table Alternate Access

What is a table type index:
Tables types are not true cross reference types, but they are a convenient Alternate Access method. They are not connected with a file. The data displayed in the Look-Up window is typically contained within a given Table record. The details about the Table are kept on the LOOKUP file.

That is which file contains the Table and what is the Table's Item Id This detail is Maintained using the Wizard Screen W.LOOKUP.M in the Wizard Setup Menu.

Used for a small number of reasonably static choices. For example Alternative Access Types or for dynamic associated lists of valid Item Ids

For example a list of all unpaid Invoices for a given Customer when you are in the Cheque entry screen.

Static type Tables can be Maintained using the Wizard Screen LookupTable in the Wizard Setup Menu. See Appendix for more details on how to use Tables.

Why :
As there are few items in the table the operator can see most if not all the data on the first page. If there are multiple pages then they can use the Locate a String from within the Look-Up Window to reduce the number of lines displayed. For dynamic Tables, it is a very convenient way of displaying all valid inputs based on some other changeable criteria.

No options are available or needed. You do not Wizard control what is in a Table.

User Interface:
The operator enters = only.

Configuration notes:
Using the W.LOOKUP.M screen to configure (see below), specify a Type of T, and a file and item containing the table to be displayed in the lookup field in Xref File and Xref File Id..

The data in the file should be split into multi-valued attributes. You specify the order and display information for the various attributes in the first Line Item Set in the Lookup Maintenance screen.

So, for example, you may have an item containing the following format of data:

001: Red]Green]Blue
002: ff0000]00ff00]0000ff

When the user enters "=" in the appropriate field in the Wizard screen, the following lookup will be displayed:

Alternate Access Summary





































Wild Cards













































Auto Upd









Auto Avail.









Min. & Max. :-
Recommended Number of Items in the file being Cross Referenced.

All/String :-
Show all with = or String required, A=All, S=String.

Wild Cards :-
Allow use of Wild card characters in Search.

That is [{string} and/or {string}] or *.

NOTE :- B-Tree will automatically work like {string}].

Word/Field :-
Alternate Access is based on Words or on a Field.

MultiWords :-
Allow Multiple words to be searched. That is =BOB GUTHRIE all of the BOBs that are also GUTHRIEs.

NOTE : The + means only Additions apply.

For example =PINK+GREEN All of the PINKs plus all of the GREENs.

Multiples :-
You may have more than one.

Type on a given file.

Type on a given field in a file.

Dir is on the Item-Id only.

Auto.Upd :-
Automatically updated from Wizard Screens. See Appendix on how to update Wizard Alternate Access from your own code.

AutoAvail :-
All Alternate Access for a given file are automatically available on all Screens which use the given file either as a major file or as a linked file.

Look-Up Window Maintenance

Wizard Alternate Access maintenance Screen (W.AltAcc) allows you to define a standard Look-Up display Window for a given file.

Sometimes there is a need to access special features such as being able to Link from one Look-Up to another, Multi-Select Look-Up Windows, defining Table type Look-Up windows.

The Lookup Maintenance Screen will allow you to create Look-Up windows with the following features:

The Lookup Maintenance Screen looks like this :

Look-Up Table Maintenance

Some times you need to give the user the ability to select the correct code from a list of codes. When these codes are not stored on another file you need some way of maintaining the Codes and their descriptions. This routine allows you to maintain the Table type data used in a Lookup.

This is a Pop-up window and looks like :

Look-Up Window (Normal)

The Wizard Look Up Window allows you to view all available valid data, showing you sufficient details for you to make the correct Selection.

The following commands are valid:

## Line number

This is your selection and the data on ## line will be taken as if you had entered this data.


Will Scroll forwards through one page all the valid data.


Will Scroll backwards one page.


Will Scroll forwards starting from line number #.


Locate a string After you have entered L you will be prompted for the String. The lookup list will be reduced to only those lines in which the string occurs. <Esc> will return you to the full list. You may also do another locate on the sub-list you select.


Run the Wizard update Screen that maintains the data being displayed. Only if you have menu access to this Wizard Screen


Escape without selecting any data. If you are in Locate a string mode then <Esc> will return you to normal mode.

Look-Up Window (Multi-Select)

The Wizard Multi Selection Look Up Window works much the same as the single selection window it allows you to view all available valid data, showing you sufficient details for you to make the correct Selections.

The following commands are valid.

## Line Numbers.

This is only one of your selections and the data on ## line will be marked with an * to the right of the line number. You may then enter another line. If you enter a line already selected then this line will be dropped from your selections. All data selected will be returned to your original Screen in the order that you selected it and NOT in line number order.

Variations: you may also enter more than one line at a time. If you enter 1,2,3,4,6,8,9,10,11,12, then all of these lines will be selected. To select the same lines you could enter 1-4,6,8-12 or 1-12,5,7 where 5 and 7 will be selected with the 1-12 then dropped with the 5,7.

D Delete all Selections and remain in the Window.

S Will Scroll forwards through all the valid data one page.

S- Will Scroll backwards one page.

S# Will Scroll forwards starting from line number #.

L Locate a string After you have entered L you will be prompted for the String. All occurrences of the string will be highlighted. You may then enter N for the next page that contains the string.

U Run the Wizard update Screen that maintains the data being displayed. Only if you have menu access to this Wizard Screen

NOTE. You will lose all your selections as if you entered D.

<Esc> If you have selected any data then return with your selections. If you have not made any selections then return to your original Screen without any data. If you are in Locate a string mode then <Esc> will return you to normal mode.

NOTE.If you do not wish to return to your original Screen with data after making a selection then enter D first and then <Esc>.

Setting up a Jump List

If you want to be able to jump out of one Wizard screen into another routine, you will need to do two things, these being:

* Select the appropriate feature from the EF screen when you generate the Wizard screen from which you wish to jump (and then generate that screen), and,

* Create a jump definition item which will tell your Wizard screens (which are allowed to jump to other screens) what the valid jump options are.

For more information on the first, refer to the Edit Features information elsewhere in this manual.

NOTE that you must have run the Build Menu Access List from the Account Setup menu (i.e. option 4 from menu 1 when you log into the account).

Selecting one of either Default Jump List or User Jump List from the menu will let you set up a jump list. You will be presented with the following screen:

The fields in the Line Item Set are:


This is the name of the process which will be run when the appropriate jump command is issued. (For a simple way of doing this, see below!)


This is a single character representing the type of process entered into the previous field. For more information refer to the documentation on the Menu Setup.


This field may contain any data to be passed into the process being called by the jump command.


The description is used when the user gets a list of the possible jump processes available, and so it should be meaningful.


The command (which should be in upper case) is the word the user can enter following the // jump prefix in a Wizard screen's field. Thus, for example, you could have a jump to the customer maintenance screen initiated by the command //CUST by entering CUST into this field.

There are actually three possible jump lists you can create. If the first type exists it is used, otherwise the next type is searched for. If none is found, the jump function will not operate. The three types of jump list, in order of priority, are:

Screen Specific Jump List

You may create a Jump List for a specific Wizard screen which will then function exclusively for that screen. This CANNOT be done from the menu. To do this you will need to run the setup program from TCL. This can be done by the following process (at TCL):

User Specific Jump List

This is the last option of the Setup Maintenance menu. This sets up a Jump List for a specific user which will be available to that user from any Wizard screen which allows jumping.

Default Jump List

Finally you may set up a default jump list which will be used by a screen when neither of the other jump lists are present. This is set up from option 3 of the Setup Maintenance menu.

NOTE that default screens can access processes which have a security level of 0 only.

The jump list setup screen can also be accessed from within any Wizard screen which allows jumping by typing /JUMP from any field.

The jump list setup screen is basically a Line Item Set each line of which represents one possible command for jumping.

All your processes are validated (you can only access processes which would normally have been available to you from your menus) when you enter. There is, however, a simple and quick way of setting up an option on the jump list. All you have to do is press the = key followed by <Return> in the process column, and a list of all the available processes will be displayed. Select one, press <Return>, and all you will have to do is enter the Command you want to have invoke that function! Easy, isn't it!

Using The Jump List

Using the jump list is quite easy. In any field of a Wizard screen which has the jump list active, enter // followed by the command you have given to the process you want to run (see above).

If you do not know the command name, you can simply enter // and <Return> a list of possible jump commands and their descriptions will be displayed. All you then need to do is select the option you want with the arrow keys and press <Return>.

If there is only one option in the list, // will take you directly to that option.

When you have finished running the process you have jumped to, exiting that process will automatically return you to the screen and field that you jumped from.