9. Customising your Account


About this Chapter
Account Headings
Setting a Port's Function Keys
The Menu Access List

About this Chapter

After you have Installed Wizard into an Account you may select the Account Setup option from the Menu. This option allows you to set the Account Headings, Set Function Keys and to re-build the users Menu Access List.

Account Headings

This screen allows you to set the headings for your account. When you enter it, it appears as follows:

There are two types of headings here, these are:

1 The Account Title
The account's title is printed across the top of the status box for the menus. This title can be quite long, or it can be null (in which case nothing is printed here, you just get an ordinary box).

2 The Account Heading
The account heading is printed in large block letters when you are prompted for your login ID (That is this only appears if you do not have a login ID which is the same as the account name). Because this must appear on one screen, the heading cannot be too long.

If this is not set, Wizard will try to use the account name to create the login banner.

Setting a Port's Function Keys

Although Wizard can recognise the function keys from the code set up in the Keyboard screen, you need to define what you want the keys to represent. There are only two function keys which you cannot define, these are [F1]lt;F1[F1]gt; (function key 1) which is the Help key throughout Wizard, and [F10]lt;F10[F10]gt; (function key 10) which is the exit key throughout the system (the same as the <Esc> key).

If you do set up your function keys to perform certain commands, these commands will be valid from the menus, from Wizard's TCL interface, and from within Wizard screens (although Wizard screens may have their own function key settings which will override your settings while you are running those screens).

Wizard routines such as the Wizard Screen Editor, or the Wizard Word Processor, however, have their own function key settings.

When you enter this option, you enter a Wizard screen which appears as follows:

The port number field will display the port number you are using as default. You may type the number of another port or press <Return> to edit the function key definitions for another port.

Following this you enter a Line Item Set which allows you to enter the function performed by each function key. For example, if you want function key 2 to be loaded with TCL (i.e. pressing <F2> will be equivalent to typing TCL followed by <Return>), move to line 2 and type in TCL.

It is possible to make a function key perform the operation of another special key (such as backspace), by typing one of the following to perform the required function:

HELPCall up the help.
UPMove the cursor up.
DOWNMove the cursor down.
LEFTMove the cursor left.
RIGHTMove the cursor right.
WORD_LEFTMove the cursor left a word.
WORD_RIGHTMove the cursor right a word.
MAR_RELMargin release - allows you to enter data past the end of the displayed field.
BSPACEBackspace and delete the previous character.
DELETEDelete the character the cursor is over.
INSERTEnter edit mode (not currently used).
PAGE_UPMove to the previous page.
PAGE_DOWNMove to the next page.
TOPMove to the top of the document.
BOTTOMMove to the bottom of the document.
START_LINEMove to the start of the line.
END_LINEMove to the end of the line.
DEL_WORDDelete the current word.
DEL_LINEDelete the current line.
EXITExit (as with <F10> or <Esc>).

The Menu Access List

This option - Build the Menu Access List - is really only a setup option. After you have created your login IDs, and your menus, you should run this option.

This will run an routine which displays a box (just to show you that it is indeed running). Unless you run this option, you will not be able to use the Jump lists, or the LIST command from the menus.

The option also needs to be run after you have changed someone's menu or added new programs to the menus.